The treaty

The Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, known as New START, was signed by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States on 8 April 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic. The treaty entered into force on 5 February 2011.

New START requires its parties to reduce the number of deployed warheads to no more that 1,550, the number of deployed ballistic missiles and heavy bombers to no more than 700, and the number of deployed and non-deployed launchers and heavy bombers to no more than 700. The limits begin to apply seven years from the date the treaty entered into force, on 5 February 2018. They will be in force for ten years, until 5 February 2021, with an option to extend the treaty, if both sides agree, by no more than five years.

Treaty documents

New START Text
Protocol to New START
Annex on Inspection Activities
Annex on Notifications
Annex on Telemetric Information

The Russian Federation Statement on Missile Defense
The United States Statement on Missile Defense
The United States Statement on Trident I

Bilateral Consultative Commission Joint Statements

US Senate Resolution of Ratification
Russian Duma Ratification Law

US Article-By-Article Analysis of New START Treaty

Data exchange: Aggregate numbers

5 February 2011
1 September 2011
1 March 2012
1 September 2012
1 March 2013